December 12, 2023

How Much You Should Budget to Live in a 55 and Older Community.

As people approach retirement, many consider downsizing their homes and transitioning into 55 and older communities, also known as active adult communities or retirement villages. These communities offer a range of amenities and services tailored to the needs and preferences of older adults. However, before making the move, it's crucial to understand the financial aspects and budgeting required to live comfortably in a 55-year-old and older community. This article will explore the various expenses associated with these communities and provide tips on creating a budget that suits your lifestyle.

Understanding the Costs

Living in a 55 and older community comes with various expenses, and it's essential to consider each of them when planning your budget:

  1. Home Purchase or Rent: The primary cost involves purchasing or renting a home or apartment within the community. The price will vary depending on location, size, and amenities.
  2. Monthly Maintenance Fees: Most 55 and older communities charge monthly maintenance fees to cover common expenses like landscaping, security, and maintenance of community facilities. These fees can range widely and should be factored into your budget.
  3. Property Taxes: Property taxes are an ongoing expense, and the amount will depend on the value of your home and local tax rates.
  4. Utilities: Budget for monthly utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and internet. Costs can vary based on your location and usage.
  5. Homeowners Association (HOA) Fees: Some communities have additional HOA fees beyond maintenance and cover community activities, events, and amenities like a clubhouse or fitness center.
  6. Healthcare and Insurance: Healthcare expenses may include health insurance, Medicare premiums, and out-of-pocket medical costs. It's essential to factor these expenses into your budget, especially if you anticipate increasing healthcare needs as you age.
  7. Transportation: Consider transportation costs, including car maintenance, fuel, and public transit, if you no longer drive.
  8. Groceries and Dining: Plan your food budget, including groceries, dining out, and any dining options provided within the community.
  9. Entertainment and Activities: Many 55 and older communities offer various recreational activities and social events—budget for these leisure expenses.
  10. Emergency Fund: It's crucial to have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses, such as home repairs or medical bills.

Creating a Budget

To create an adequate budget for living in a 55 and older community, follow these steps:

  1. Assess Your Finances: Start by evaluating your current financial situation, including retirement savings, pension, Social Security, and other sources of income.
  2. List All Expenses: Make a comprehensive list of all expected expenses, including those mentioned earlier. Be as detailed as possible.
  3. Set Priorities: Determine your financial priorities. Ensure you allocate funds for essential expenses like housing, healthcare, and groceries.
  4. Plan for the Future: Consider your long-term financial goals and how they fit into your budget. This may include saving for future healthcare needs or saving money for travel and leisure.
  5. Adjust as Necessary: Review and adjust your budget to accommodate changes in your financial situation or lifestyle preferences.


Living in a 55 and older community can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for retirees. However, it's essential to budget carefully to ensure financial security and peace of mind. By understanding the various costs associated with these communities and creating a well-thought-out budget, you can transition smoothly into your retirement years and thoroughly enjoy the amenities and lifestyle these communities offer. Remember that financial planning is a crucial aspect of your overall retirement strategy, so seek advice from a Duncan Williams Asset Management financial expert to make informed decisions about your future. Call us today (901) 435-4250.

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