September 13, 2023

Markets Now

CEOs are having their worst year in decades

It’s been a bad year for CEOs.  
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Birkenstock heads for Wall Street in another blow to Europe

German shoemaker Birkenstock has filed for an initial public offering in New York, becoming the latest European company to choose the United States as the place to raise money on the stock market.  
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Ford's former CEO has a stark warning for both the UAW and automakers

As Detroit automakers and labor leaders scramble to hammer out a contract that will shape the future of the US auto industry, former Ford CEO Mark Fields has words of caution for both sides.  
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Missed out on summer travel? Airline tickets will be cheaper in the fall

Everyone you know traveled to Europe this summer, despite a jump in airfare.  
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'A spit in the face.' Electric vehicle plans worry a Midwest auto town

Normally a new, $2.5 billion factory, complete with 1,400 expected jobs, would be considered a good thing for a local economy.  
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Chinese insurance boss sentenced to life in jail for corruption

Wang Bin, the former chairman of one of China’s biggest life insurers, will spend the rest of his life in jail after a court found him guilty of corruption.  
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Source: CNN Business

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