October 6, 2023

Markets Now

Gold is losing its dazzle

Gold is facing tough competition this year as the preferred haven for cautious investors.  
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It's the last day of the largest health care strike in US history

The largest health care strike in US history is now in its third, and final, day.  
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UAW says it scored a major concession from GM and will not expand its Big Three strike Friday

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain said Friday that Ford, General Motors and Stellantis will all avert an expansion of the UAW’s work stoppages at this time, suggesting the unprecedented strikes against all three could be nearing an end.  
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Car buyers can get their EV tax credits up front at the dealership starting in January

People shopping for electric vehicles starting next year will be able to get a $7,500 federal tax credit off the sticker price while at the dealership, rather than having to wait months to receive their tax returns.  
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Auto workers worry it takes less labor to build electric cars. Maybe not, some researchers say

A traditional car engine is a complex wonder of engineering, with pistons moving up and down, springs compressing and decompressing, spinning shafts, opening and closing valves and spinning gears meshing together. That’s not to mention a transmission, connecting the engine to the wheels, that’s a complex machine all its own. An electric motor, on the other hand, is really just some magnets wrapped in wires and it only needs a single speed transmission. That simplicity worries the United Auto Workers union.  
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There are cowboy boot Crocs now

It appears that the trusty, “sorry-not-sorry that I’m ugly” Crocs foam clog has found a way to get even weirder, this time with some western flair.  
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Source: CNN Business

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