October 12, 2023

Markets Now

Why this earnings season could help stabilize the shaky market rally

The third-quarter earnings season begins on Friday, marking the next test for this year’s wobbly US stock market rally.  
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Names and faces of Harvard students linked to an anti-Israel statement were plastered on mobile billboards and online sites

A billboard truck drove near Harvard’s campus Wednesday displaying the names and photos of Harvard students whose organizations signed a statement blaming solely Israel for the deadly attacks by Hamas.  
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4 charts explain why Target and other retailers are leaving some big cities

Target closing nine stores because of theft is not the whole story. Here are 4 charts that show the issues brick-and-mortar retailers in several major markets are facing.  
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Here's what got more expensive — and cheaper — at the grocery store

Grocery price increases continued to moderate in September, with prices ticking up just 0.1% last month, according to seasonally adjusted data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Thursday. In August, groceries had grown 0.2% pricier.  
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Billionaire CEO demands UPenn leaders quit and donations halt over alleged failure to address antisemitism on campus

Wall Street CEO Marc Rowan is calling for the leaders of the University of Pennsylvania to resign and donors to close their checkbooks over an alleged failure to condemn antisemitism and hate.  
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Why Tesla isn't unionized

Tesla has beaten back previous efforts by workers to unionize – but the United Auto Workers hopes a successful strike against Ford, General Motors and Stellantis could help it organize at Tesla.  
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Source: CNN Business

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