February 5, 2024

Markets Now February 5, 2024

McDonald’s says Middle East turmoil is hurting its business

McDonald’s said growing tensions in the Middle East have hurt its business.  
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Analysis: Main Street is still investing like it’s 2023

Shares of Tesla have fallen by about 24% so far this year while the S&P 500 has gained nearly 4%. Recalls, lawsuits and Elon Musk’s controversial leadership strategies have contributed to the automaker’s declines. But retail investors don’t seem to mind. They’re still piling into the stock.  
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The vast majority of California flood victims’ losses won’t be covered by insurance

Many victims of the massive storms now battering Southern California about are to be hit with another heartbreak - discovering their insurance won’t cover the damage.  
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Boeing is in the ‘last chance saloon,’ says Emirates head

Tim Clark, the president of Emirates, has joined a chorus of airline executives in warning that Boeing is running out of time to restore its reputation following a series of safety and manufacturing blunders.  
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Super Bowl ticket prices have dropped, but they still cost a fortune

Ticket prices for this year’s Super Bowl have dropped since last week, but it still might require hitting a casino jackpot to afford it.  
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Samsung boss acquitted of financial crimes in surprise ruling

Samsung chief Lee Jae-yong was found not guilty by a Seoul court on Monday on charges of stock manipulation and accounting fraud connected to a controversial merger in 2015 of two Samsung affiliates.  
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Source: CNN Business

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