April 12, 2024

“The desire to perform all the time is usually a barrier to performing over time.” – Robert Olstein

Robert Olstein, a respected value investor, likely means that the constant pressure to achieve short-term results can consistently hinder one's ability to perform well over the long term.

Here's a breakdown:

  1. Desire to Perform All the Time: This refers to the relentless pursuit of immediate success or the constant pressure to deliver high performance in the short term. It's the mindset that focuses solely on immediate gains or meeting short-term targets.
  2. Barrier to Performing Over Time: Olstein suggests that this mindset can hinder sustained success over the long term. Constantly chasing short-term gains can lead to risky decision-making, neglect of fundamental analysis, and ignoring the importance of long-term value creation.

Olstein advocates a more patient and disciplined approach to investing or any endeavor. Instead of solely being driven by short-term performance metrics, one should build a solid foundation for long-term success, which often requires patience, thorough research, and a willingness to endure short-term fluctuations.

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