October 23, 2023

Markets Now

Chevron agrees to buy Hess for $53 billion

Chevron announced Monday that it has agreed to buy rival Hess in yet another oil industry consolidation deal.  
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ESG investing is dying on Wall Street. Here's why

The market for environmental, social and corporate governance, or ESG, investing is fundamentally broken.  
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Autodesk moves to 'hybrid first' work policy to assist with employee engagement and productivity

Many tech companies now have a return-to-office mandate for employees. However, software company Autodesk is taking a different approach with their work from home policy.  
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UAW union just ordered 6,800 workers to strike a massive Ram truck facility

The United Auto Workers union sent 6,800 Stellantis employees to the picket line Monday morning in a surprise, targeted strike at the company’s Ram truck facility.  
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Billionaires pay almost no tax. A global levy of just 2% could raise $250 billion

Governments should open a new front in the international clampdown on tax evasion with a global minimum tax on billionaires, which could raise $250 billion annually, the EU Tax Observatory said on Monday.  
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UPenn president made a 'mistake' but shouldn't be forced out, former governor says

Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell doesn’t think the University of Pennsylvania needs a leadership change to get through the crisis gripping the Ivy League school.  
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Source: CNN Business

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